Vegetarian VS Non-Vegetarian
Vegetarian VS Non-Vegetarian In these days we can see there are increasing many diseases in society. As we can see heart diseases , fats, cholesterol, high blood pressures and many other diseases. The fact is behind our food and drink. We are not eating naturally. Vegetarian VS Non-Vegetarian Our teeth are very normal and soft in comparison to any wild animal. Our body is very sensitive and uneasy to digest it. It is not healthier. We are a human being and totally different from animals. For our taste of tongue and without understanding anything we become non-vegetarian. People kill animals and birds very cruelty. They don’t care their crying. They are totally cruel and blind. It is true that meat is no tasty. With the help of spices and oil, we make it tasty and eatable. That means God gives us no permission for it. It is not natural. Vegetables are natural. They give us more energy and taste. They are aff...