Know about GREEN CHILI benefits
We chose chilies for enhancing the taste of food. Of course, green chili is good nutrition for our health. Green chili is rich in nutrients for health, probably not many of us will know enough about it. It contains nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Apart from these, sodium, potassium and dietary fiber are also present in it. Even iron is also present in it. It is also a good antioxidant. Antioxidant means protecting the body from harmful oxidants, which are formed in the action of oxidation and harm the body in many ways. Benefits of Green Chili There are also many types of properties in it. Green chili is very beneficial for our healthy eating habits. It contains many types of vitamins such as A, C B-6, and iron, copper, potassium as well as proteins and carbohydrate. Let's get acquainted with the health-related qualities of the green chili Green chili is very good for digestion. This is because, when we eat it, saliva is more in the m...