Save Water

Save water Save life

Which we think of a planet, that we see water first on is essential on it which it for our lives. water is the basis of our lives. We want live near the water. We not only quench our thirst through it but also we want it to our making food, cleansing purpose and many all the work. We use water in all our work. Life is not possible with it. Not only human beings, other creatures of the world also need water. Tree and plants also need water. We understand this thing even though we are not serious.

Due to urbanization, lots of water gets damaged. Swimming pools and parks take a lot of water. Spends too much water to wash their motors, car, bikes, road and many other things. People bathing and washing clothes in running tap. All the work of water is done in running tap. It is a major problem of the world. 

It is a key issue in figuring out the super of our lives and is a standard solvent. It is difficult to think about our existence without water. But the irony is that even though people apprehend the importance of water he commenced to contaminate it. Because of water - Pollution and losing water pure water for eating is no longer handy now. Reaching penalties are no longer good. Certainly, it is now not truthful for the future. Water is considered as the elixir of life. Therefore, water conservation is essential to store lives

We should be serious and act about it otherwise our next generation will face to found drinking water is very difficult due to our carelessness.


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