Eye problem
Enlarge eyelashes in easy ways

Vitamin A deficiency in food, due to which the eyes begin to weaken from a young age.
The other reason is to sit down on the computer or watch television or watch television.
The third reason is not to pay attention to cleaning the eyes. Continue reading for longer Dirt in the air, etc.
These are some of the reasons that reduce the visibility of the eyes and constrain you to install glasses.
Main sight of weak eyes
- Eyes begin to appear blurry
- Tension of the eye muscles
- Burning in the eyes
- Water out of sight
Soak the almonds in milk at night and mix some sandalwood in it. And then put it in the eyelids. The redness of the eyes ends.
Take coriander seed and fennel powder in equal quantity and prepare a mixture. Also, mix sugar in equal proportion. And in the morning and evening take 10 grams of sugar daily. It reduces the weakness of the eyes and also, reduces the cataract problem.
Take two cardamom pieces and grind them and boil them in milk. And eat it at night before sleeping. This measure removes eye weakness.
Mix one spoonful of honey and one spoonful of spoonfuls in a quarter of butter in a cup of hot milk and take it before sleeping at night.
This measure also weakens the eyes completely.
Let us tell you such Ayurvedic remedies which will enhance your eyesight-
Eating papaya daily increases the eyesight.
Eat the marmalade apple and after that take the milk, doing so does make the eyes light faster.
Eating daily fruits and vegetables increases eye power.
If you drink carrot juice every day, the eyesight will increase.
Eating the apple and drinking its juice makes the eyes light faster.
Mixing of black pepper powder, ghee and sugar candy together consumes everyday eyesight.
Oil blindness in the thumb of the feet before bathing daily prevents the eyesight from prevailing.
Waking up early in the morning and standing in the park, walking on bare feet in the grass, weak eyes sharpen.
Wake up in the morning and fill the mouth with cold water in the mouth and spray it in the eyes with cold water.
Grind green coriander and take out its juice and filter it with a clean cloth and it is okay with painful eyes by putting 2-2 drops in the eyes.
Use cabbage, capsicum, orange, and tomato in your food.Eat the marmalade apple and after that take the milk, doing so does make the eyes light faster.
Eating daily fruits and vegetables increases eye power.
If you drink carrot juice every day, the eyesight will increase.
Eating the apple and drinking its juice makes the eyes light faster.
Mixing of black pepper powder, ghee and sugar candy together consumes everyday eyesight.
Oil blindness in the thumb of the feet before bathing daily prevents the eyesight from prevailing.
Waking up early in the morning and standing in the park, walking on bare feet in the grass, weak eyes sharpen.
Wake up in the morning and fill the mouth with cold water in the mouth and spray it in the eyes with cold water.
Grind green coriander and take out its juice and filter it with a clean cloth and it is okay with painful eyes by putting 2-2 drops in the eyes.
Some other ways to keep eye care-
To communicate the freshness in tired eyes, immerse the cotton pad in a light warm tea and keep it on for five to ten minutes. This gives comfort to the eyes and increases their glow.
Do not constantly watch the screen while working on a computer. Take a look at the screen at 20-minute intervals by doing so, eyes get relief.
Put a pinch of boric acid in boiling water. Leave it to cool. Then wash your eyes with it. This is a good eye wash for tiredness and burning eyes.
To protect the eyes from the sunlight, use the UV protective lens glasses.
Keep blinking eyelids at least 10 to 12 times in 1 minute. Doing so does not let the eyes remain rigid.
Reading or leaning is also not good for the eyes. The light should come from behind when reading
Eyes get tarnished by reading a book on a moving bus or train.
By taking less sleep, there is a bad effect on the eyes, you should at least sleep for at least 7 hours.
Do not watch TV or computer much closer.
To give tired, red eyes to the new life, place pieces of cucumbers on them. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Besides fixing your color, your eyes will be clean and healthy.
To get rid of thin stripes around the eyes, hold wet clothes in cold water for a few minutes on the closed eyes for a few minutes. Massage the eyes in the standing form of the strips.
Apart from nurturing the eyes properly, gold is also very important for healthy eyes. You have an average of eight hours of sleep every day, without which your eyes will become dull, swollen and red and black wounds will start to happen.
Through yoga, you can also increase your eyesight:
Turn your eyes both round and round. Then round your eyes in the opposite direction twice.
You keep snapping your eyelids fast faster than twenty to thirty times.
Everyday morning, the salivary growth of the eyes of the face increases with the appearance of mascara on the eyes.
In the morning, you rub each of your hands together and put the heat on your eyes. This remedy removes eye weakness.
One way of enhancing the eyesight in Yoga is the constriction. In the dark room, you burn your candle or lamp and keep your focus on the lamp continuously for five minutes.
Using these remedies will increase your eyesight.
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